Lab News
- We are hiring! Please get in touch if you are interested in our work.
- We are very pleased that our group has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant.
- Many congratuations to Chelvan for obtaining his MPhil in Physics.
- We welcome Adiran Garaizar to the lab! Well done in securing an EPSRC scholarship for the PhD.
- We are excited to welcome our newest member, Stephen Farr, who will be reading for a PhD. Steve is a student of the EPSRC CDT in Computational Methods for Materials Science program. Congratulations Steve on both getting this competitive scholarship and place in the program!
- Many congratulations to Miguel, who passed his viva and completed the requirements to obtain an MPhil in Scientific Computing.
- A warm welcome to our new member Akshay Sridhar. Akshay will join the MPhil in Scientific Computing programme in October 2016.
- Many congratulations to Chelvan, who has just been awarded both a Gates and a Winton Scholarships. These are very competitive scholarships, excellent start Chelvan!
- The group started on March 1st, 2016 at the Maxwell Centre, Cambridge Cavendish Laboratory. We are in the process of setting up the lab.
- We are excited to welcome our first PhD student Sivapalan Chelvaniththilan. Chelvan will join the group in July and has been awarded a Cambridge International Scholarship. Congratulations Chelvan!
- A warm welcome to our first student Miguel Garcia Ortegon. Miguel is part of the MPhil in Scientific Computing and will be working with both Ulrich Keyser and our group.
- The group will start in 2016 at the new Maxwell Centre of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory.